Research Group on Integrating Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences

A list of the members of the working group constituted at the Fetzer Institute meeting on Integrating Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences

Yoko Arisaka (Philosophy, University of San Francisco)

Jonathan Cole (Clinical Neurophysiology, University of Southampton)

Natalie Depraz (Collˇge international de philosophie, Paris)

Margaret Donaldson (Developmental Psychology, Edinburgh University)

Shaun Gallagher (Philosophy and Cognitive Science, Canisius College)

Piet Hut (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University)

Al Kaszniak (Psychology, University of Arizona)

Jim Laukes (Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona)

Eduard Marbach (Philosophy, University of Bern)

Lis Nielsen (Psychology, University of Arizona)

Alva No‘ (Philosophy, University of California, Santa Cruz)

Sue Savage-Rumbaugh (Biology and Cognitive Neurosciences, Georgia State University)

Marilyn Schlitz (Noetic Institute)

Brian Cantwell Smith (Philosophy, University of Indiana)

Evan Thompson (Philosophy and Centre for Vision Research, York University)

S. Kay Toombs (Philosophy, Baylor University)

Francisco Varela (LENA - Neurosciences Cognitives et Imagerie Cˇrˇbrale, H™pital de la Salp¸triere, Paris)

Dan Zahavi (Philosophy, University of Copenhagen)

Arthur Zajonc (Physics, University of Massachusetts., Amherst)

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