Online Bibliographies Brightman: A short bibliography of primary works by Edgar Sheffield Brightman (1884-1953), an American personalist.

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A Selection of Primary Works

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1920. "The Personalistic Method in Philosophy," 103: 386-390.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1921. "The Unpopularity of Personalism," Methodist Review 104: 9-28.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1921. "The Tasks Confronting a Personalistic Philosophy," The Personalist 2: Part I, 162-172; Part II, 254-266.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1922. "The Use of the Word Personalism," The Personalist 3: 254-259.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1927. "Personalism and the Influence of Bowne," The Personalist8: 25-32; reprinted in An Anthology of Recent Philosophy ed. D. S. Robinson. New York: Crowell, 1929.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1928. "Personalism as a Philosophy of Religion," Crozer Quarterly 5: 381-95.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1932. Is God a Person? New York: Association Press.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1933. "Personalism and Economic Security," American Scholar 2: 215-23.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1934. "The Self, Given and Implied: A Discussion," Journal of Philosophy 31: 263-269.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1939. "What is Personality?" The Personalist 20: 129-138.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1939. "Eugenio Maria de Hostos, Filosofo de la Personalidad," Luminar 3: 204-208.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1940. "Los Principios del Personismo," Luminar 4: 140-53.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield, (ed). 1943. Personalism in Theology . Boston: Boston University Press.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1943. "Personalism in Latin America," The Personalist 24: 147-62.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1943. "Personality as a Metaphysical Principle," in Personalism in Theology , ed. E. S. Brightman. Boston: Boston University Press.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1944. "Do we have knowledge-by-acquaintance of the self?" Journal of Philosophy 41: 694-96.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1945. "A Personalistic View of Human Nature," Relition in Life 14: 216-27.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1946. "Some Definitions for Personalists," The Personalist 27: 365-73.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1947. "Bowne: Eternalist or Temporalist?" The Personalist 28: 257-65.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1950. "Personalism (including Personal Idealism)," in A History of Philosophical Systems , ed. V. Ferm. New York: Philosophical Library, pp. 340-52.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1950. "A Personalistic Philosophy of History," Journal of Bible and Religion , 18: 3-11.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1952. "Personalistic Metaphysics of the Self: Its Distinctive Features," in Radihakrishnan, ed. W. R. Inge. London: Allen and Unwin, pp. 287-304.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1952. "A Meeting of Extremes: Operationalism and Personalism," Journal of Religion 31: 233-43.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1952. Persons and Values . Boston: Boston University Press.

Brightman, Edgar Sheffield. 1958. Person and Reality: An Introduction to Metaphysics . New York: Ronald Press.

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